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Iranian President Urges Stronger Unity, Solidarity among Muslims

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Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said unity and solidarity among Muslim countries is much needed for their standing against those states which seek to sow discord among them.

Ahmadinejad underlined that the world of Islam needed “unity more than ever”.

He stressed on Thursday that raising the issue of Shiite-Sunni disputes is aimed at sowing discord among Muslims, reiterating the need for strengthening solidarity among world Muslims.

“All disputes over ethnic, factional and tribal issues were caused by the Devil”, Ahmadinejad said.

In relevant remarks in October, Commander of Iran’s Basij (volunteer) force Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Naqdi had also underlined the necessity of solidarity in the Muslim world, saying unity among Islamic sects foils enemies’ plots and helps to growth and expansion of Islamic awakening.

“Today, Shiites and Sunnis have together defused the inauspicious plots of the enemies of the Revolution through unity and brotherhood and expanded the Islamic awakening through unity, vigilance and awareness…” Naqdi said at the time.

Pointing to the growing tides of Islamic awakening in the region, he noted, “In Muslim states, the Islamic awakening is also the result of the unity between the Shiites and Sunnis.”

Also in July, President Ahmadinejad said enemies are deeply fearful of unity and solidarity among the regional and Muslim states and are, thus, seeking to sow discord among the regional nations through different plots.

Speaking in a meeting with the United Arab Emirates incoming Envoy to Tehran Saif Mohammed Obaid al-Zaabi at the time, Ahmadinejad said, “Enemies are striving to sow discord among religious brothers and the regional nations should be vigilant against enemies’ plots and not allow them to exercise their plans against the region”.

“There are many vicious thoughts and hands that are fearful of brotherhood and unity among regional governments and nations because regional cooperation will only harm the enemies of the region”, Ahmadinejad said.

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